Sunday, January 4, 2009


Happy New Year everyone!
I have always had a hard time at making "resolutions" as they call them. I like to call them GOALS. For some reason people break their resolutions, many the first month after making them. I guess having them as goals makes it seem like I am not under so much pressure. So here it goes....
1. Finish all my photo projects that are looming upstairs on my craft table. There is about 7 projects.
2. Paint and re-due the playroom/guest room and laundry room. We just finished the laundry room this weekend. I can check that part off. I have applied for a new show on HGTV for the playroom. Cross my fingers I get picked! If not, that will have to be done by ME. (The last and final room in our house to be painted.)
3. Read 12 books. If you know me..this will be my toughest goal. I take a long time to read books. I am already half way done with my 1st one, The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch.
4. Be able to run 2 miles again. (This would be to the end of our road and back.) Again, if you know me, I HATE to run...however, Brad's goal for this year is to run a marathon. I think this will help motivate him as well. I have never loved to run...I do Pilate's everyday and would rather watch paint dry, but never-the-less, I AM going to do it!
5. Last but not more PATIENT! That one is for you, Stephanie. My one word for the year that I am going to work on.
What are your GOALS for 2009?


Anonymous said...

You have set some great goals for yourself Angie ... I am also reading the same book. Hope you're enjoying it. I'm impressed that you want to try to run 2 miles. Running - ahhhghh!!! I'll stick to walking. Love, mom

EAJan678 said...

I like the word idea! Much more attainable in my mind. I'm going to borrow a Wii fitness from a friend and see if that could be my morning workout routine.
See you tomorrow!