Thursday, September 25, 2008

What do you do?

If you live in Georgia, or anywhere in the Southeast, you know the problem we are having. We are having a gas problem. I wouldn't really call it a problem, I would call it a crisis! Just as gas prices are actually dropping, a hurricane comes into the Gulf and crushes our hopes and dreams of gas actually being below $3.00 again. When Brad and I got married in 2001 and moved down to Georgia, gas was $.79. Wow, how times have changed in so many ways. People, mainly politicians and media want to blame this person or that. All I know is that I am a stay at home mom with 3 kids and I don't really want to run out of gas while driving on some of these crazy Georgia back roads. Around here it is not the price that is bothering me right now, it is the fact that we do NOT have gas to fill our cars. I followed the directions of the "people" on the radio and news and let my tank run as low as possible. So I go to get gas yesterday and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7..oh that one had gas, but at only 1 tank and the line was at least 1 hour long, so on to 8, 9, 10 and finally# 11 gas station...on the corner of Jot-em-down and GA 400. THANK YOU MR. SHELL STATION! This is all with in 15 minutes from my house. I was able to fill my tank up. (Now they are saying not to fill all the way up..but sorry I am not doing this again!) What was I going to do if I ran out of gas with 3 children in my car, one of which can not walk on her own? I laugh about it now, but I was not laughing than! No, no, I was praying REAL hard to make it to a station that had gas and then not have to wait in an hour long line. Brad and I had even used up our containers of gas in our garage that we use for our lawnmower. We can have grass that is long for a little bit, but we have to have gas for our cars. "They" say it is going to get better in the next 5 days..lets just hope. No need to panic! What do you do?

1 comment:

The Kenyons said...

It is insane for sure!! We have been sitting at home for a week and Eric is working from home almost daily because of this mess!