Friday, April 16, 2010

Spring is here with a top 10

Here is the top 10 list of what to do or what happens when Spring arrives
(from the house of Kudlas)
10. Hose and wash down all the pollen from your decks, cars and just about anything that is outside.

9. Buy your self some kleenex, because even if you don't have normal allergies, you will now. After living in Georgia for 9 years Brad has suddenly developed spring allergies. Yuck! Because of these sweet little buds, we get runny noses.

8. Try to get some landscape work done. During spring break with had 16 yards of mulch, a pallet of sod (seen below), rocks and dirt delivered to our house. Is this a repeat from last years spring break? We ALWAYS are working on something....
7. Time for the birds to sit on their eggs. This one has chosen our house in the same spot for 3 years even though our neighbor cat perches on our front porch in hopes she will get a "taste" of birdy.
6. Grill out. The Kudlas fam grills out year round. Here is Brad's new favorite toy! Chargrilled on one side, gas on the other. YUM-O!

5. Time to clean pollen again. It has only been an hour, but my back deck is covered again.
4. Get rid of things you don't need. Some people call it spring cleaning. I call it, "getting rid of junk." The kids are getting great at have to make it fun. Now our garage is 3 scooters lighter.
3. Enjoy time outside.........with a box of Kleenex. Georgia is absolutely beautiful this time of year, expect for all those yellow cars.
2. Plant a garden. Veggies are our best friend, are they yours?
1. Spend lots of time with family and enjoy His beautiful creations.
What do you like to do when spring arrives?

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