Thursday, October 15, 2009

Interview with a soon-to-be 4 year old

As we approach Brenna's 4th birthday on Monday, I sat down with her this afternoon when she got home from school to ask her a few questions. Enjoy! I hope this makes you smile and get a little insight into the mind of a soon-to-be 4 year old. Mommy-What is your favorite color?
Mommy-What do you want to be when you grow up?
Brenna-A princess (we do often call her this...maybe that is why..or maybe because all girls have this fascination)
Mommy-What is your favorite thing to do at school?
Brenna-Play on the playground (me too!)
Mommy-What is your favorite thing to do at church?
Brenna-gymnastics (does she really do this at church?)
Mommy-What do you learn about in church?
Brenna-Jesus loves Brenna. (Good answer)
Mommy-What is your favorite food?
Brenna-Mac and cheese and chocolate (I hope not together)
Mommy-What makes you really happy?
Brenna-A joke!
Mommy-What is your best joke?
Brenna-Why did the chicken cross the road?
Brenna-He didn't make it across the road cause he was hit by a car. (Ummm...ok..nice joke)
Mommy-What makes you really sad?
Brenna-When Carsyn hits my head. (yeah, we are working on this)
Brenna-Can I go play with sister now?
Mommy-of course!


Amber said...

So sweet! I love how at the end of the conversation she says that she didn't like it when Carsyn hit her head, yet she couldn't wait to go and play with her. Sibling love is more unconditional than I ever thought possible!

We are looking forward to Brenna's party on Sunday. I hope she likes to play in the bath tub b/c we got her the perfect gift. :)

jmlmama said...

I love this! What a fun idea - you should save it so she can see it when she's grown up.

Joy B. said...

I loved the "Why did the chicken cross the road" joke! They are timeless - I am remembering you and your brother telling your dad and I again and again the same silly chicken crossing the road jokes! It brings back smiles from years ago. :) Love, mom