Monday, October 19, 2009

It's 4 time!

Happy Birthday to Brenna Caroline, who turns 4 today. Brad and I looked at each other many times today and would say, "Is she really 4 already?" Looking at this picture as we walk up our stairs everyday reminds us on how fast the time really goes. Before we know it, we will be saying, "Is she 18 already?" For now, I will take all these wonderful days with her and bottle them up! On Sunday afternoon we had a little party at the house for some of her girl friends. Because this girl loves her bags and purses, we thought of decorating some bags and having a purse cake. She had a blast with all her friends. The glitter still around my house proves how much fun they had. Thanks to everyone who were able to make it and make her day so special. I pulled out all my aprons, so the girls wouldn't get paint all over their pretty outfits. Brenna's purse has finally dried and she has been carting it all over the house.
The group of girls plus big brother Aidan, minus one who was not in a picture mood. :)
My mom and dad with the birthday girl. My brother Drew was able to take the day off and come over as well.

Oh how we love this girl! Happy 4th!


Joy B. said...

Oh how we love to be with this girl too!!! WE had a wonderful time helping Brenna celebrate her special day. How can it be that she is 4 years old already?! Love, mom

Amber said...

I wonder who the girl you are referring to as not being in a picture-taking-mood is??? Good grief!!!

Ella Beth had a wonderful time at Brenna's party, and she loves showing off her new purse. :)

Let's get the kiddos together soon. Maybe they will both leave the drama behind and have fun!