Friday, June 5, 2009

My first baby is a big boy now!

This past weekend Aidan went skiing on Lake Lanier. We have been talking about it for while now and Sunday we went and purchased some junior water skiis and headed to the lake. He did awesome! We are so proud of him. We knew he had the ability to be able to get up, we just didn't realize that it was going to be so fast. Here is our friend Scott helping Aidan in the water. His wife was driving the boat and we were doing a double rope system, were there is a rope attached to Aidan's skiis and Brad is holding another rope in the boat. This way if he falls he doesn't have to worry about letting go of the rope, Brad just has to do that. Anyways, I was in charge of video taping, taking pictures and watching the girls. I was not able to get any pictures of him up on skiis, only a crazy video (yes, I was a proud, excited mom). (see below)


The other huge thing for Aidan this week was that he had his first swim meet. As you watch the video below, remember that they only had 4 days to practice!! We are so proud of him!



Joy B. said...

WoW!!! How adorable are the pictures and the VIDEOS!!!! Thank you so much for putting the videos out there. Dad and I LOVED watching them!!! We are amazed by Aidan's abilities. You and Brad must be so proud of him. Can't wait to see him waterski and race in person. Love, Mom

megan said...

Wow, so grown up! It seems like yesterday we had little baby first borns doesn't it? :) What great accomplishments!! :)