Monday, December 1, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like winter.....

There are two things down in Georgia that are a sign that it is winter time....

1. SNOW? Aidan has kept saying that the first day of December is the first day of winter. Of course you associate winter with snow. Now all you northerners must be laughing. I am to as I am typing this, but down here in Georgia it really is a big deal. We have told him many times that it does not officially start until the end of the month, however it proved me all wrong today. It starting snowing this morning in the North Georgia mountains where we live. Of course the ground is to warm for it to stick, but never the less it was snowing! It continued to snow all day even while we were down farther south of here where we spent most of our day. The kids enjoyed sticking their tongues out to try to catch all the big flakes of snow. Lets just say it was fun while it lasted. It will be back in the mid a 50's by the middle of the week.

2. Crazy drivers! Having read #1, you probably know where I am going with this. A southerner sees snow or anything resembling snow and they all of a sudden don't know how to drive. (Now I know some of you are just overly cautious.) As I am driving to Brenna's dance class this morning with both my girls in the car, I had stopped at a red light to take a right hand turn. I had a yield sign, but a red light on people going straight. I was looking at oncoming traffic and the person behind me decided that he was not going to stop and hit our car. I had my break firmly pressed already so I thankfully did not move much. The car that hit me was also in a SUV and hit our SUV's spear tire holder on the back of the Monterro cracking it in half. Thank goodness for that or it would have been a worse impact, especially for Brenna who sits in the back. Everyone is ok, but I totally was shaken up because of the kids in the car Their car has a bit more damage. Yes, I know you may say this could happen in any kind of weather, but it just so happened to occur while it was snowing!

Happy WINTER y'all!

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