Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Mr. Aidan

Happy 9th Birthday to our first born, Aidan Bradley.  Mr. Math reminded me that this was his last year in single digits.  Yeah, yeah, don't remind me is all I could think.  I know I say this all the time, but Brad and I are so proud to be this boys parents.  I mean who couldn't resist those dimples?      

This kid loves Life!  Get it?  This is one of the things he asked for his birthday.  This involves some of his favorite things...competition, math and strategy. 

He lives and breathes not just football, but competition in any kind of sport.  His drive to do better and be the best he can be is really amazing to see in a boy that age.  It is not only his strength, but something that he will have to work on all the time.  He is his biggest critic!   

He loves the Big House!  The Big House meaning University of Michigan football stadium.  He has never stopped dreaming of going to school there!  His teachers believe he is well on his way. 
This boy loves to have fun no matter what.  Give him a challenge and challenge will be accepted.  He is loyal to all his friends although will get his feelings hurt easily.  He loves routine and is my melancholy choleric if you know anything about personalities.  When you meet Aidan, you know exactly who he is. 

Happy Birthday son!  May you continue to shin your love of life and determination on the rest of the world!  Here is to another year! 

1 comment:

Joy B. said...

Our life would not be the same without Aidan in it. . . God has blessed us and we are so grateful!Happy Birthday precious boy!
Love, Grammie and Papa