Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Interview with a 9 year old

My annual, always anticipated interview with the kids.  They are always excited to answer these questions and his consistency over the last few years is interesting!  I won't let the kids see their answers from the previous year, but after I am finished we get a good laugh over what they said the year before

Mommy (M)-What is your favorite color?
Aidan (A)-yellow and neon yellow
M-What is your favorite food?
A-I guess I would say probably Salmon..I don't know, I like everything!
M-Really?? There isn't any that you dislike?
A-Well, probably green bean casserole and red peppers
M-What do you want to be when you are daddy and mommy's age?
A-I will be a coach probably.
M-What kind?
A-High school football
M-What is your favorite subject in school?
A-Social Studies
A-I love history and learning new things everyday.
M-If you could be any animal, what would it be?
M-What do you like to do with your sisters?
A-We like to play this tag games outside with points.
M-If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
A-Australia, because I like their accents and it is across the world.
M-What is your favorite thing to do with me?
A-Play games
M-What about with daddy?
A-Play football or basketball.
M-Do you want to get married some day?
M-How many kids do you think you will have?
M-Who is your best friend?
M-What makes you happy?
A-When I make my friends laugh, especially David.  He has a funny giggle.  That makes me laugh and smile!
M-What makes you unhappy?
A-When Brenna hits me.
A-Well what else am I suppose to say?
M-What is your favorite song?
A-Home by Phillip Phillips
M-What do you like about your sisters?
A-At least there is someone to play with.
M-What is your favorite memory from this year?
A-When we beat Lambert, postseason, under the lights.
M-What does mommy do all day?
A-Pretty much works or does chores.
M-What does daddy do all day?
A-Teaches all day and coaches and drivers ed
M-What is your favorite restaurant?
M-What are you looking forward to most about being 9 and the year 2013?
A-Not having an problems at amusement parks..I am already 54 inches and have been.  Now that I am 9, hopefully we won't have any problems.
M-(Let's just say that we had a couple problems at Six Flags last summer.)
M-What is your favorite verse?
A-Phil 4:13

1 comment:

Joy B. said...

Where has the time gone?? Our first grandchild is 9 and is thinking about his ambitions when he grows up . . .what?? This is important reminder to spend that precious time with our grandchildren now . . . while we can. We are so grateful for the blessings of grandchildren! Love, mom and grammie