Wednesday, October 19, 2011

6 Years

Happy 6th Birthday to our sweet Brenna Caroline! This sweet girl is growing up so fast. It seems much faster than Aidan is. Maybe it is because she is a girl. Yesterday as I was watching a video of her when she was 2 1/2 singing "Jesus Loves Me," I got tears in my eyes. While at the doctors office today, I couldn't believe it was 6 years ago today that my midwife told me that this little peanut was ready to come. Even though it was 3 weeks early, our Brenna had other things in mind. That is exactly how she is today. She does things in her own time and her own way! She is our "social butterfly" as we like to call her. Makes friends with anyone who walks through the door and anyone she meets. She cares and loves people with her whole heart. She hates to see people hurting or afraid. She may be stubborn, but she certainly is not at loving others.

Happy Birthday "little bean." We love you!

1 comment:

Joy B. said...

Oh, how the time flies by as our sweet ones grow. . Brenna is our little gift from God and we are so thankful. She always brings a smile to our faces! Love, mom and dad