Tuesday, September 13, 2011

And we are off....

The kids and I (yes I competed) in another sprint triathlon on September 11th.
An emotional day for so many people. I remember everything about that day 10 years ago. I was a newly wed in our first apartment. I remember what I was doing, what I was wearing, the smells in the room and what the weather was like. It truly feels like it was yesterday...but how the years have changed. Being with family and being outside was our way of remembering.

Aidan and Brenna did awsome once again! Here is Aidan finishing the race. He placed 2nd only by 15 seconds. Awesome job!

Brenna is the one in the blue suit with googles. She finished 1st!

At transistion Brad was able to help with her shoes.

Here she is finishing!

My team was awesome. I was originally training to do the whole triathlon by myself, but trying to get in a full bike and running everyday got to be a bit much. My friend Kristy asked if I would help out in a team and I said absolutely! I did the swim part and ran to the transition and tagged Lowell (his kids do swim team with my kiddos and he is a seasoned biker) who did the biking and then he tagged Kristy (her son played football with Aidan last year and baseball over the summer with Aidan) and she ran. We finished 2nd behind an all male team. I think we did pretty darn good. I personally had my best swim time!

Two chicks and a rooster at the finish line.

The kids and I at the finish line.

Besides my wonderful husband...this sweet girl was our biggest cheerleader!


Ashley Jansen said...

You seriously are Superwoman!!

Joy B. said...

I love that you were also able to race!! Next year I hope that dad and I can be there in person to cheer you on!!!!! Way to go team Kudlas!!!!