Sunday, January 31, 2010

10 Tips

I have been asked many times as to how I stay so organized and "sane" while taking care of 3 children, while supporting my husband as a teacher, drivers ed instructor, basketball and cross country coach. Sometimes I don't know, but I do know I pray A LOT! Here are some tips straight from the Kudlas house. No, I am not a professional, I am just a mom who trys really hard at being the best wife and mom I can possibly be. My life can be a bit chaotic and crazy at times. Patience is not one of my fortes, but these tips help us get by. I hope they help you as well!

1. Meal plan! The last few days of the month, I plan for the next month. This not only saves you time, but money at the grocery store.
2. Pick out childrens outfits for the whole week. I have little cubbies that hang in their closets and Sunday afternoon I get everything out including pants, shirts, underwear, socks, hair bows, etc. That way in the morning all they have to do is grab it and get dressed which leads me into the third tip...
3. Give your children responsibilities. Trust me, they are old enough! Carsyn is almost 22 months and is learning to get herself dressed among other things. Of course the other two have it down. Don't under estimate how smart they are and how helpless they will act when faced with a challenge. Lots of encouragement and a sticker chart might help. My babies have daily chores they do including making their beds, brushing teeth, emptying the dishwasher and garbage cans. Carsyn is learning most of these as well. This only teaches them the importance of responsibility and being part of a household as well as making your life a bit easier.
4. Limit your laundry. I do laundry ONLY ONE TIME A WEEK. I have a day that I spend the majority at home (which is not much) and we get all the laundry done in that day. The kids have learned to sort laundry with Brad the night before laundry day so that when I wake up it is ready to start. I usually have 2 loads of darks, 2 loads of lights, 2 loads of whites, towels and sheets. This saves LOTS of energy and time in the long run! We have 5 people in our family. You can do it too!
5. Have containers become your friend. I have them everywhere to keep stuff organize. See previous post. This includes my car!
6. Keep toys out of main living area. If you don't have an extra room to put toys, get a container. There are lots of cool ones out there. ;)
7. I have a giant wipe off board calender in our kitchen as we are walking out the back door with everyones monthly schedule on it. I thought life was busy when our children were babies, but it only gets busier. Everyone has their own color and it takes me about 10 minutes to put up at the end of each month. I keep a copy of this in my purse as well. On it we have practices, bible studies, doctors appts., etc.
8. KISS-Keep it simple silly. My life may seem "busy" to other people and don't get me wrong it is "busy" having both parents coach sports, but it works for us and our life for the most part runs smoothly.
9. Don't be afraid to ask for help. This has taken me a while to learn. I have some wonderful babysitters and fantastic parents specifically at the basketball games that love our children and help out anytime.
10. Last but not least...........Like I said before, I pray...A LOT!

I would love to hear any tips you have that makes your life go a bit smoother! Have a wonderful week!


Amber said...

Spoken like a pro! And, I'm all about the fact, I'm taking it to a whole other level this month by cutting out many "extras" that muddle up the simplicity that I crave. See you soon!

Joy B. said...

How did my daughter get so smart! I need to have you do some organizing in my kitchen. I loved what you did at Drew's. Love, mom

Unknown said...

I've done Sunday laundry day ever since we got married! LOVE IT!
I do meal planning every 2 weeks and grocery shop every other Monday.
The responsibilities part I admit I'm a little behind on since H will be 3 in 3 months and is just learning everything, but the point is he is learning and enjoying his big boy tasks.
We have a family online calendar that syncs to both of our phones which is a HUGE family lifesaver!
Love you and see you tomorrow!!

Ally said...

Thanks for the tips...I try to do that for's getting Peyton to do chores...I finally got him a responsibility chart and it's working pretty good.