Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Weekend #1

Not only was it a May weather weekend in Georgia, but Brad went skydiving for his 30th birthday. He had been saying that he wanted to go for a while, so I had the whole weekend planned. My parents came into town to watch the big event and then watch the kids while Brad and I went up to the Dillard House Chalet Village for a night getaway later that evening.

Here is Brad, Aidan and Brenna after being suited up and ready to head out.

The plane heading out.

Carsyn, Brenna and Aidan watching for Daddy on the deck. We couldn't have asked for better weather. Blue sky and 75 degrees. Lovely!
Here is Brad coming in...thank goodness!

And the landing...

The kids were so excited to see Brad land that they ran out onto the field to greet him.

Here is Brad, Brenna and Aidan with his instructor.

#2 weekend to come tomorrow..stay tuned.


Stephanie Perdue said...

Yay Brad! Did he love it as much as Jim did? I love the pictures. Jim and I are going away in a few weeks for my 30th birthday.By the way, I will not be skydiving:-)

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures! I'm so proud of Brad! Love, Mom

EAJan678 said...

Mark is so jealous and totally thought this was cool. I on the other hand think both guys are crazy!