Spring has always been my favorite season, even when the weather changes dramatically. Here are a few examples...
1. We made it through the tornado's of the southeast, hiding our family of 5 in our closet as the power was lost for nearly a day. I did not take any pictures that night..call it a bit of fear on my part. We were blessed to only have a few branches on the ground the next day.
2. Rain makes beautiful flowers and a garden grow. Brad of course has worked really hard in our gardens to make the beautiful, including planted another vegetable garden. We are excited to taste the first veggie that pops up.

3. It is always so hot and humid the week of the kids gymnastics jubilee. This year it was in the 50's. Much more comfortable for the fans watching! Here are my 3 babies. Best friends. I love it!

Aidan and one of his good friends from school, Gracie.

4. This crazy weather pattern we have been in the last month. We had a week of intense heat..90's plus and then a week of 50's and tomorrow it will be back in the 90's. I don't know how to dress the kids when they leave for school. The girls wanted to read some books outside (which they do frequently), but they had to take a blanket with them early this week.

5. Warmer weather mean a couple things...school ending. Carsyn's last day was yesterday and Aidan and Brenna finish on Wednesday. We are so blessed to have a great school system and wonderful teachers. The kids love school and hopefully that will continue as they grow. Here is a picture from Aidan's class party today. They all signed each others t-shirts. The lady on the right Mrs. Sallie Power is his teacher (she is one of Brad's old students). She has been out on maternity leave with her first baby and filling in for her is the wonderful Miss Allen who is on the left.

And the other thing....our summer schedule starts Monday with swim team practice.
I am off to take a walk while the weather is nice. Who knows when it will change again?