Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Interview with a 3 year old

I sat down with Carsyn this morning to have her answer some questions. Her brother and sister are at school, so I thought she would love to sit down with her momma, Right? Wrong? She said she was busy. I asked her busy doing what? She said, "I am taking care of my babies." After a while she joins me and answers some questions along with her babies.

Mommy (M)-What is your favorite color?
Carsyn (C)-Ummmm Blue.
M-What is your favorite food?
C-Mac and cheese
M-Why is that your favorite?
C-Cause you put hotdogs in it.
M-What is your favorite song?
C-Jesus Loves Me.
M-What is your favorite thing to do at school?
M-What do you want to be when you grow up?
C-I want to sing songs. (I was convinced she said she would want to be a princess, but a singer, that is interesting.)
M-You want to stand if front of lots of people and sing songs?
C-Nodding her head she says, "Yes."
M-What is your favorite thing to do with your brother and sister?
C- Playing with my babies. (Big surprise?)

I had a few more questions, but like any other 3 year old, she was to busy playing with her babies. This is a girl that stands her ground. She knows what she likes and what she wants and she isn't going to change that. Last night when leaving her Easter concert at school, Brenna gives her sister a complement, "Carsyn, I love your beautiful dress. Your bow matches perfectly." (This is totally Brenna!) To which Carsyn replies, "Thank you, Bwenna. I don't really like your dress." Trying not to laugh because she was just being honest, we had a conversation about tact with a 3 year old. We just love that about her. She is also our physical touch child. She would rather be in her daddy's arms than playing with her beloved babies. She find comfort in her brother's hands while riding in the car. In her eyes, he could do no wrong. Many times when I tell her I love her she says, "I know." I say this every year, but she truly is a JOY! We are so much in love with this little girl!

1 comment:

Joy B. said...

She is such a JOY to us also!!! I love the questions and answers! That is soooo her - she sure does love caring for her babies! I love the comment she made to Brenna at the play - :) typical Carsyn. ha! Children always have something interesting to say. Love, mom