Tuesday, February 16, 2010

30 years

Can it be? Am I 30 already? My parents would have to say that these 30 years have flown by. Now being a mom, I know exactly what they are talking about.
My day started off with the kids and Brad serving me breakfast in bed. Not for the first time this weekend. They did it on Valentines Day as well. How blessed am I? Although we had to spend the day at our last basketball game for the season, we had a wonderful day spending it as a family.
All of my sweet babies and my wonderful husband made me this cake for my 30th birthday. I loved it and it tasted yummy!

How could I ask for anything more?

Brad gave me this funny card...You know you're turning 30 if.....

.....you ever had a mullet, "tail," or side ponytail.

.....you have used a Commodore 64.

.....you owned a trapper keeper.

....you can name all the members of New Kids on the Block.

....you remember when fast food burgers came in styrofoam containers.

...you had a crush on Zack Morris or Kelly Kapowski from Saved by the Bell.

Hope that gives you a good laugh!


Amber said...

L-O-V-E the card! I'm definitely 30 because I can answer all of those questions!!!

Joy B. said...

How can it be that 30 years ago I was just bringing you home from the hospital to our little home in Appleton, Wisconsin. Your grandma Regis met us at the hospital just as we were getting ready to leave and the first thing she said was how much you looked like me! :) Wonderful memories that seem just like yesterday. love you sweet girl! Mom

Stephanie Perdue said...

30 is great! I am not excited about turning 31 next month. Happy Birthday!