Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Top 10

The top 10 things that test my patience (at home)...

(If you read my side bar, one of my goals for this year was to be more patient...this is for a particular friend and you know who you are!)

10. Pee pee on the bathroom floor. (I didn't say these would not be gross..I have 3 young children)

9. Realizing that when I get 3 miles from home and forgot shoes for Carsyn. Opps. How did she get into the car without shoes? I am already 10 minutes late to wherever I am going. Probably picking Aidan up from school.

8. Going off of number 8..and that is being late. If I know I am running late, my blood pressure seems to go up and I loose my patience with the kids, with traffic, with the radio, etc.

7. Getting half way through the grocery store with 3 kids and a cart full of food and one always has to go potty.

6. When my husband comes home from work and unloads his bag right in front of my back door which also happens to be in my one domain of the house and that is the kitchen. (Although I don't choose for the kitchen to be my just so happens that this is where I spent 90 % of my day.)

5. I child crying at your leg while you are fixing dinner saying, "Momma, I am staaaaarrrrrrvvvving." Which I reply, "You are not starving, children in Africa are starving." (Is that mean?)

4. A soon to be 4 year old and a soon to be 6 year old fighting in the back seat of the car after a LONG day!

3. I just put all the books back on the book shelf and come back into the room 5 minutes later to see all the books back on the floor.

2. After you fix a great meal you sit down to eat and quite forcefully you hear from the other side of the table, "This is disgusting Momma. I don't eat_________!" (Thanks Brenna!)

1. Don't get me wrong, I love the rain we have been getting! Sometimes however, my children NEED to go outside. After it has rained so hard for multiple days in a row, our yard is now mud and the grass is sliding down the children have not been able to play outside as much as I would like and this can be a huge source of conflict up in the playroom.

Have a wonderful week. How has your patience been testing this week?


Joy B. said...

Oh - Angie I was laughing outloud again and again thinking of the kids in particular situations that you are talking about but also reminicing(sp?) about you and your brother and quite similar situations!! One day you will smile and laugh at those memories that bug you now!!!! Love, mom

The Kenyons said...

I love it!!!!! And I totally get it!!

Amber said...

Thank you, Angie. From your "special friend" - this is just what I needed to hear; to know that I'm really not all alone. :)

I'm going to copy your idea and post my Top 10 Patience Testers. I think it just means that you and I need to get out together more often!

Karin Coibion said...

Love this post! It made me smile and feel not so alone about my patience coming to a breaking point at times... and I only have one little boy! Ahhh!

Angie said...

Thanks everyone! Glad to hear that I am not the only one. Glad it is Friday. Have a great weekend!

Stephanie Perdue said...

Amen sister. The rain will drive any momma of small children crazy.