Sunday, August 23, 2009

What is missing?

What is missing from these two pictures from Aidan's first day of kindergarten and Brad's first day of his 9th year of teaching?

Answer: DAY LIGHT! That is right! When Brad and Aidan leave in the morning to go to school it is 6:45 am...and it is only getting darker as it gets closer to fall and into winter. This means early mornings once again. Aidan is doing great and waking up with his own alarm, gets dressed and makes his bed! We are so proud of how he has handled the last 2 busy weeks!

What is missing from this picture?

Answer: Carsyn's clothes...and her mommy watching her! I was getting ready in our bathroom and Carsyn decided to go into our pantry, climb up on the stool and take the bag of pound cake and proceed to eat most of it and dump the rest on my floor. Oh the life of a 16 month old!
This is an easy one...What is missing from this picture?
Answer: Aidan's bottom 2 teeth! They look kind of gross in this picture, because they had just been pulled out by Brad and they were a bit bloody, but they so needed to come out! This was a wonderful little gift on our anniversary! He was so excited to wake up Wednesday morning to find $2.00 under his pillow from the tooth fairy. I can't believe my first baby lost his first 2 teeth.

1 comment:

Joy B. said...

I pray that Aidan always is as excited about school as he was on his first day of school. What adorable pictures! Dad and I laughed at Carsyn and Dad thought she looked an awful lot like Brenna in that picture - sweet baby was hungry for some sweets! We could feel Aidan's excitement about the missing teeth through the computer screen! Love, mom