Monday, November 17, 2008

7 random things

I have been tagged by my friend Amber to come up with 7 random things about myself that you may not know. Here it goes....
1. Most of you know that I grew up in Michigan, but I was born in Appleton, WI. Yes, I am a cheese head.
2. I have naturally very curly hair. If you see me in the summer or days I don't feel like doing my hair, then you will see my hair curly. Most of the time it is straight.
3. I have a reading disability called dyslexia. I have worked really hard in my life for this to not make a huge impact on my life.
4. My first broken bone was in middle school when I broke my wrist doing gymnastics. I was in a silly contest at the end of practice to see how many back walkovers you could do and it was my 3 or 4 one and the whole gym heard the crack. Ouch!
5. I hate to clean! Yes, I know many people say this. I do pride myself in a very clean, organized house, but I HATE cleaning!
6. I ran the disciplinary board in my sorority Pi Beta Phi at WMU.
7. I have wrote in a journal everyday since 1994. For the most part, it is not really that personal. It just gives you a snapshot of my day and what is going on in my life.
So here are the rules:
*Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
*Tell seven random facts about yourself on your blog
* Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs (I am only do 5)
*Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
Ok - tag, you're it:

Stephanie P.

See..that was really not that interesting!
Have a wonderful week. Try to stay warm!

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