I (Carsyn Joy) am 7 months old today. Here is what I did today...
6:30 am-I wake up in my crib and start to talk to my sister. I try to tell her that Brother and Daddy are awake and that they are about to leave. We need to get Mommy in here so we can say bye to them.
6:35 am-Mommy finally comes in and gets me. I am much happier. She takes me downstairs and I give my big brother a kiss goodbye before he leaves for school and kisses to my daddy before he leaves for work.
6:45 am-Mommy feeds me. I am much happier now!
7:15 am-Big sister, Mommy and I go upstairs, get dressed, and do our morning chores. I really just pull all the books off sisters shelf, but mommy and sister make beds and clean toys up.
7:45 am-We go downstairs and I play with my toys in Mommy's bedroom and bathroom while she gets ready for the day. I love to hide under the bed.
8:30 am- Today we leave to take my big sister to school. I miss my brother and sister while they are at school, but I love hanging out with Mommy.
9:15 am- When we get home, Mommy lays me down for my morning nap. I am so tired!
10:45 am-I yell for my mommy to come get me. I am hungry! Mommy comes and gets me and then I eat.
11:30 am- We are off to pick up my sister. I can't wait to see her. She makes me SMILE!
12:15 pm- We get home from picking up Brenna from school. We eat lunch. I have bananas. I make a mess all over my hands, but they are so yummy!
12:30 pm- Sister and I go upstairs and play in the playroom while Mommy works on some projects. Yesterday, I played with my friend David. My friend Elise and Joshua slept the whole time. Here is my friend David and I playing...

1:30 pm-I am so tired..I crawl over to Mommy and tell her that I am ready to take nap.
3:30 pm- When I wake up from my nap, I feel much better. I also get some milk.
4:00pm- I play with Brenna downstairs while Mommy cleans up. I like to play with the silly noise makers behind the doors. (the door stoppers)
5:30 pm - We eat dinner. Daddy and Brother are going to be home later tonight. So it is just the girls eating dinner. I had chicken and broccoli. Yummy!
6:00 pm- I play in the kitchen while Mommy cleans up.
6:15 pm- I get to take a bath with sissy tonight. I love to play with my toys in the tub!
6:40 pm- I get some milk before going to bed. I am exhausted!
7:00 pm- Good night everyone. My big sister is in my room with me to keep me company.