Here is the play by play of the last month or so....

Not only are we on the 2 week of no internet and I sit at the library typing...but the month of November flew by. I remember when Aidan was about 13 or 14 months old and running around a basketball court and picking up anything he could get his hands on and either throwing it or putting it in his mouth. I thought to myself, "When will this crazy, busy,exhausting time in my life be slowing down and changing?" Now I know the answer. NEVER or at least not anytime soon. As I watch moms and dads frustrated or excited for that matter over the "stage" of life they are in, I would say to them if I could..."Just when this stage is done another one starts and you will miss the one before." I know our schedule is busy. Some of you reading would say that we would have a crazy schedule. I would say that I love the time and stage we are in. We won't have it for long. So here I am looking at the week in front of me. Aidan has his 8th birthday this weekend, we still have football even though Aidan still has a cast on his hand (his team was invited to play in the State championships in Atlanta the second week of December), Brad has basketball games, I have my moms group (Birds on wire...which I LOVE), school, school and more school, gymnastics, gymnastics meets and performances. No, I really wouldn't change a thing. My life is not a bunch of cherries nor do I ever pretend it is, I just feel blessed to be in this stage of life. I love my family and they make it all worth it! Here is just a glimpse into MY crazy life.
6am-alarms go off. Aidan, Brenna, Mommy and Daddy's. I roll out of bed with my hair sticking up everywhere and not being able to see a thing. I stumble to the bathroom for my glasses and bathrobe. It is freezing in this house. Although today it is 35 degrees tomorrow is going to be 65 degrees. What do I send the kids to school in? A jacket? A sweater? I just hope they don't leave it at school.
6am-alarms go off. Aidan, Brenna, Mommy and Daddy's. I roll out of bed with my hair sticking up everywhere and not being able to see a thing. I stumble to the bathroom for my glasses and bathrobe. It is freezing in this house. Although today it is 35 degrees tomorrow is going to be 65 degrees. What do I send the kids to school in? A jacket? A sweater? I just hope they don't leave it at school.
6:15am -kids are downstairs dressed thankfully and hungry for breakfast. I spill a large cup of juice I had poured for myself. It is everywhere. I don't know how it got on that back door?6:40am-breakfast is over and the kids are off brushing teeth and getting their chores done. Aidan and Bren find something to fight about. I ignore them. Is that bad?
6:50 am-Aidan, Brenna and Brad are off to school.
6:55 am-If I am lucky and the kitchen is already clean, I make myself some breakfast while Carsyn is upstairs changing and making her bed.
7:15 am-Some color time with Carsyn. She is my crafty child. Loves to color, cut, glue, etc. The only problem...she makes a huge mess.
7:45 am-clean up Carsyn's mess.
8 am-Jump in the shower and clean up my crazy hair. For those of you wondering, Carsyn is in front of the TV watch PBS. I don't care. Curious George is one of my favorites.
8:35 am-Off to take Carsyn to school. This happens 3 days of the week. The other me...we find things to do.
8:55 am-Drop Carsyn off at school. Boy it is quiet in my car. Carsyn sang "5 little monkeys" all the way to school.
9 am-work out about 2 miles from Carsyn schools at one of the recreation areas. One of my favorite parts of the day. While I am working out, I watch some news..or just "Live with Kelly." Every other Wed, I am at The Nest with Birds on a Wire.
10:30 am -any errands that I need to run without Carsyn I complete then or I just go sit in car rider line and read a good book. I just finished reading the Tim Tebow book with Aidan and now I am reading the Jaycee Dugard book.
12 pm -Carsyn is finished with school and we eat our lunch I packed while running any other errands we had to do. Carsyn falls asleep while eating and her food goes flying all over the car. Pit stop to vacuum at 12:30pm
2:20 pm-pick the other two kids up from school. First words out of my mouth. "Hey my loves. How was your day?" Their first words to me, "We are hungry!" I am thinking, "Didn't I just feed you?"
3pm-7:30 Evening activities. This is where our schedule starts a get a little hairy. Mondays, Aidan has basketball, Tues/Thur the kids have gymnastics and I coach. Wednesdays....ummm that would be NOTHING, Friday mornings I coach and then in the evenings we have basketball. Brenna and Carsyn's soccer just finished, which made shuffling even more complicated. Want to see the cutest thing in the world? Watch 3 year olds play soccer!) This is our schedule when it is raining and we don't have football. Don't ask about trying to fit that in. Not sure where that did fit in, but we managed 3/4 days a week. Snacks are given and smiles are on their faces.
8pm-We arrive home. I really didn't feel like stopping for gas. I hope I have enough to get to the gas station tomorrow morning?! Many later evenings I have prepped dinner, so it won't take me long. That would be on a perfect day. You know how many perfect days I have? I won't answer that. While dinner is being finished...
Showers for the older two. One goes upstairs, one goes downstairs. Carsyn jumps in the tub. If Daddy is home, he does all the bed time stuff. He has always done that and I NEVER complain!
8:30pm- Aidan is still saying he is hungry after he eats dinner. When will that boy stop eating? Where is he storing all that food? How will I be able to afford to feed him when he is 13? Whoa! Too much to think about!
8:45pm-They are in bed. Books have been read.
9pm-I crash on the couch and watch TV with Brad. I don't care if I watch TV with my husband for quality time. I am not talking, he is not talking, I am not fighting with children. I am happy.
10 pm-I make lunches for the next day and get everything around for the morning.
10:30. Brad is already snoring in bed. You remember the first favorite part of my day. This is the other. The time when you head hits the pillow.
Rinse and repeat for tomorrow.
God has given me this life and I love every bit of it, good and bad!
What is your day like?