Sunday, July 5, 2009

Independence Day and more....

The kids have returned from having a week long vacation at my parents in South Carolina. They had so much fun with their Grammie and Papa. After Brad arrived at the airport from California (his team got 2nd in the nation-go NFHS!) we went over to pick up the kids and relax for a few days. It seems as though most of my pictures of the kids revolve around water. Oh well, I do think they are pretty darn cute!

We took the kids over to my brothers golf course in Augusta to get the tour and have a delicious pasta dinner made especially by the chef in front of us. The kids got a kick out of it! It is a beautiful course he has at and I will say that they are lucky to have my brother!

On Friday afternoon we had an afternoon trip down to Atlanta to see our good friends the Perdue's while in town from TN to see family and Stephanie was running in the Peachtree Rd. race on Sat the 4th. We don't get to see them very often and miss them dearly. Thanks for the great afternoon! The kids had so much fun playing and swimming in the pool. Aidan and Jake swam for nearly 4 hours. All 3 of my kids were asleep before we even got on the highway.

Aidan and his swimming buddy, Jake.

The only picture I have of the 3 youngest, Judd, Anna Kate and Carsyn playing in the rocks.
Taking time for a snack, then back in the pool.

We went and watched fireworks on Friday night here locally. We have never been in town for the 4th as long as we have had kids and were not sure where to go to watch a great show, but they turned out awesome! As we were waiting for it to get dark, we enjoyed this beautiful sunset.
The temps had dropped just enough that we needed a blanket around us. Aidan and Brenna just love to cuddle.
We spent Saturday enjoying time as a family and cooking out at home. This weekend we also remember a wonderful lady, Brad's mom Carol, who passed away 14 years ago. We tell her Grandchildren often about how much she would have loved them. She is loved and missed dearly!


Amber said...

Cute pictures! I can't wait for Ella Beth and Landon to cuddle. Right now, they just like to aggravate each other if they are close together! Can you get together one Friday this month?

Joy B. said...

Gosh, it's been awhile since I've checked in on your blog - I have traveled a few THouSand miles since then!! :) LOVED seeing the pictures - the Purdues have grown!! Love, mom

megan said...

Great pics - ya'll have such an adorable family! Looks like ya'll are enjoying the summertime! Hard to believe it's almost over. What course is your brother at in Augusta? That's where John and I both grew up - just curious. Also loved your Michigan pics - I have never been to Michigan but it looks beautiful! Hope you all are having a great week!