Monday, May 18, 2009

Shake your silly's out.....

With the end of school in sight at the end of the week (Brenna finished last week) comes lots of activities that are always going on.....and some hyper children. I am sure we are not the only family that is happy when Memorial Day comes because, that means vacation and pool time! So one of Brenna's favorite songs to sing is "Shake your silly's out" and we had plenty of things to do these past couple weeks to help shake all those silly's out the kids...

We had our gymnastics banquet at a house on Lake Lanier. Cailen's grandparents were gracious enough to let us use the fabulous house which also hosts the Lake Lanier Ski school. Here are Julie and I and our graduating seniors.
Here are our 3 amazing blessings on Mother's Day!
Brenna had her first dance recital at a butterfly princess. She did awesome. We are so proud of her. When we first got there, I think she was a bit can tell from the picture. Seeing all the other girls dressed up and lots of people taking pictures.
Tap time....

Last but not least was Aidan and Brenna's gymnastics jubilee. Aidan loves being on the boys team. Now he can focus on boys events. As long as he is having fun, we will keep going. The pictures are a bit can't use flash photography inside the gym.

Brenna's turn....

Carsyn had to get in on the action. It is hard to believe, but she will start gymnastics in August. When we got home she wore "her" medals around her neck the rest of the evening along with her new leo.

Have a great week. Don't forget to "shake your silly's out!"


Joy B. said...

LOVED all of the new pictures - especially the dance recital ones!! Watching Brenna and Aidan brought back such fun memories of your recitals. I'm so glad that I was there! Such a sweet photo of Carsyn in her first leotard - Cute! :) Love, mom

Stephanie Perdue said...

You guys are very busy! We are just doing soccer one day a week. I can't imagine when both of the boys are playing and then Anna Kate. Too much to think about right now.