Monday, December 8, 2008

Birthday party and birthday weekend

We had Aidan's birthday party at Chick-fil-a last Wednesday night. I was trying to find a place that we be able to hold lots of kids (besides my house), have lots of food and be CHEAP! Thanks to our wonderful Chick-fil-a who reserves a spot in the restaurant for us with balloons for the kids, free ice cream and a great playground all for FREE! I ordered the food early on in the day and brought cake and plates. Aidan had a great time. Here are some shots from the party.

My parents came into town on Friday and we celebrated Aidan's birthday into the weekend as well. He has been wearing his new gift that they got him day, night, in the shower and everywhere else. Since he has been telling time he likes to tell us all the time what time it is. So they decided to get him a watch. The best part is that it is not digital and it just has the hands on the clock, so it forces him to really tell time! On Saturday morning we all went to Aidan's school for breakfast with Santa. Carsyn and Aidan were all about it. Brenna kept her safe 20 foot distance minimum.
Yes, I forgot to mention..Brenna got a black eye playing at the playground at Chick-fil-a. A little girl (not from our party) kicked her in the face. OUCH! No, I do not beat my daughter!


The Kenyons said...

thanks for having us!! WOW her eye looks terrible! That must have been after we left or I missed it completely!!

Anonymous said...

The pictures turned out great. Carsyn looks excited. :) love, mom

Karin Coibion said...

Great pictures! Have an awesome Christmas and David and I will be seeing you and the crew soon.